Monday, October 19, 2009


in the car, driving back to birmingham, alabama from montgomery. montgomery looks like catskill, ny. it was okay for the most part, excluding the account mentioned in my previous blog. listening to this track that I hear over and over in practice because it's playing in my scene (for the fashion show).

let's NOT talk about the fashion right now tho. that'll jst fck up my mood. the sun is hitting the car in an angle that allows it to hit my cheek and warm it up on this extremely cold day. it feels great. doing 90 on whatever highway this is, watching the trees and exit signs whizz by gives me this feeling... it allows me to pretend I'm home if only for a moment.. driving from white plains to danbury.. or white plains to new rochelle.. I just want to go home.

this weekend I smoked and the amount of things I've done that are all in all productive add up to 0. and I like it like that. not quite a "vacation" but a "getaway" none the less.

now I'm on my return to Miles.. wait, lemme not capitalize- miles college, a school smack dab in the middle of the hood. no one wants to walk off campus after 930 pm unless it's from Pearson Hall to their dorm or to "the square", an area on the yard with benches in the shape of a square. students- and even non-students- like to sit out there all hours of the night joking on eachother, other people, smoking, anything. it all goes down "in the square". the square lost it's luster after the second week of school. I walk past it, waving at the kids that sit there all day. I have better things to do.

the education and all around living situation of the school isn't worth the cost. there's no internet in the dorm rooms. bass hall has internet but it's very slow and goes out constantly. the learning resource center has internet as well, but it's even slower, taking years just to get to google. there are very few computer's available in the LRC, and the fact that you have to take your hat off takes away whatever
desire you have to go in there anyway. which isn't much to begin with.

the classes are sloooow. so slow that I can fall asleep and miss nothing. I can NOT go and miss nothing. so I don't go. and pass. I'm on my way to transferring outta here. promise.

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