Tuesday, December 22, 2009


When you're traveling from Montgomery, Alabama to Fort Lauderdale, FL, via Greyhound, you run into a lot of strange and a lot of interesting people. On this damn near day long trip, I've heard three life stories. One I actually care about, another I kinda could care less about, and the third was just pointless. Point is, the world is made up of so many lost souls, and you barely realize it because you are caught up in yourself and your own crazy world of emotions and misfits.
A man who had two left feet literally, falling because he tripped over the doormat of the station. Three people had to help him out, and he was embarrassed; you could tell by the flush of red all over his face. He later on smoked about five cigarettes. Two at each of the first two stops and one at the last one.
A lady with one arm struggled to hold her coffee and pull her luggage to her terminal. She refused help from anyone who offered, bitterly.
And R. Shawn. A man I met on the bus, who told me he had abandoned everything and everyone back home to completely start over from scratch. He had about $30 in his pocket and buttload of clothes. He didn't want anything to do with anyone back home, or in his family. He had had enough, so he just hopped on the bus and was on his way. As we both discussed any plans he might have had, which he didn't, we both grew more and more worried about his situation. Where was he going to sleep? What was he going to eat? What was the next step for him? -sniffle- I'm getting sick. It was RIDICULOUSLY cold on the bus and bus driver refused to put on the heat. Douchebag. Anyways, I offered R as much advice as I possible could, but I had no idea what to do or what I could do to help him. I myself only had $3 on me. I let him charge his cell phone on my laptop and tried my best to talk to him and calm him down. I ended up worrying about him all night. I pray for him, and I hope he's okay. The thought of him sleeping on a bench or something kills me.
He's all alone. Just like I thought I was, but here I am, with my two cousins in Florida, surrounded by palm trees and white buildings and a view of Hollywood, FL. Who am I to bitch and moan and be an alcoholic? This young man, as sweet as he was, found himself in a no way out situation and had to leave. He is alone.

These people changed my life.